VoiceNEXT Cares FAQs
VoiceNEXT appreciates your interest in the VoiceNEXT Cares Foundation. Before applying for discounted phone system equipment and services, please determine whether your request fits our Foundation’s mission by reading through our FAQs below. Please feel free to contact us with questions.

What Types of Organizations Does VoiceNEXT Cares Serve?
- Organizations that assist people with mental health concerns through supportive housing and social services
- Organizations whose mission is to protect, preserve, and restore our natural environment
- Public and private libraries
- Volunteer fire departments
- Substance abuse organizations
- Organizations involved in teaching literacy to underprivileged children
- Organizations that advocate for children removed from their families because of abuse or neglect
- Any social service organization that makes a difference in the community
How Do I Get Started with VoiceNEXT Cares?
To get started, please submit the VoiceNEXT Cares request form included on this page. Your form should include the following details:
VoiceNEXT Cares Application
- The organization’s history, mission, and contact information
- The size of the organization
- Proof of 501(c)(3) status
- Requests may also include supplemental information for consideration
- Requests should align with VoiceNEXT Cares’ mission: “Supporting social service organization that makes a difference in the community.”

When Will My Organization Receive Discounted Equipment and Services?
VoiceNEXT Cares issues discounted equipment and services throughout the year on a first come, first served basis. Once your form is reviewed and approved, you will be contacted by a VoiceNEXT representative to discuss your organization’s communication needs. Once you sign up for service, equipment and services will be implemented as soon as possible.
What is the Average Discount Amount Given By VoiceNEXT Cares?
We know every organization is different in its size, strategy, and mission, which is why we review every application individually and respond with a custom solution. Equipment and service rates are determined by our Board of Directors based on equipment availability, market rates for phone service, and the size and scope of the applying organization. Once approved, service discounts are automatically renewed annually with the submission of continued 501(c)(3) eligibility.

When and Where Should a VoiceNEXT Cares Request Be Submitted?
PO Box 4391
Brick Township, NJ 08723
(732) 653-5006
Non-Profit Coordinator